We were overwhelmed by how many amazing stories were submitted and finally narrowed them down to find our 2023 Hear for the Holidays winners.

2023 Hear for the Holidays – And the Winners Are…

by | Apr 15, 2024 | Hear For The Holiday

We joined in with Hear for the Holidays in 2023 to help give back to our community and provide the gift of hearing to those individuals who need it most, but couldn’t previously get it.

We gave you the opportunity to nominate a loved one with hearing loss challenges who didn’t have the chance to seek out professional hearing care – whether out of a selfless need to help others first, financial constraints, or other factors.

Based on your nominations, we picked two winners to each receive a comprehensive hearing assessment and complimentary hearing aids, just in time to rejoin the conversation around them for the holidays.

We were overwhelmed by how many amazing stories were submitted, and it was difficult to pick just two, but we finally narrowed them down to find our 2023 Hear for the Holidays winners.

Yvonne Whitlock - Hear for the Holidays Winner - Hearing Aid Source

Our First Winner Is Yvonne Whitlock!

Yvonne’s nomination came from her friend Anne, who shared her touching story with us:

Yvonne Whitlock instructs many people, young and old, including me, in yoga and flexibility classes at University Settlement and GoodLife Fitness, and is on call at the University of Toronto. She is an award-winning teacher, as well as a gracious and empathetic woman. Yvonne gives so much of herself, helping me and others to accomplish things we didn’t think we and our bodies were capable of. Her classes make us feel great, physically and mentally, thanks to her encouragement, leadership, and life-long experience.

Yvonne is 82, way past the age when most of us retire and stop exercising, but she continues to share her wealth of experience in ways that will improve our well-being. She does this not only out of her desire to give to the community and her commitment to the ongoing mobility and flexibility of her students, but also out of financial necessity, as she is self-supporting.

Recently Yvonne was tested and learned that her hearing was less than optimum. Hearing aids were recommended, an unwelcome expense but one that is necessary for her to continue working with and communicating fully with her students, colleagues, and administrative personnel. Yvonne is the worthiest possible recipient to benefit from this initiative on the part of Hearing Aid Source, the gift of hearing that will enable her to fully enjoy her students’ enthusiastic responses at the end of each class when she says, “And now I hope you feel much better.”

When I discussed this with Yvonne, she was so pleased. Her immediate generous response was, “I will give a free yoga session to everyone at Hearing Aid Source, and their clients.” That’s Yvonne!

Yvonne’s nomination showed that she was a perfect fit for one of our winners. Her selflessness, kindness, and ambition stuck with us – and not just because of the free yoga session!

Our Second Winner Is Jolfai Amirkhanian!

Jolfai was nominated by his friend Edward. He previously came in for a consultation after realizing he was struggling with his hearing, but after seeing what sort of treatment would work best for his hearing loss challenge, he unfortunately couldn’t afford it at the time.

Edward’s nomination for Jolfai is a story that we see all too often; hearing care can be expensive, and it shouldn’t be out of reach for those who can’t afford it.

We have multiple support programs available to help you get the hearing care you need. Take a look on our website to see if one could be of service to you, and we’ll work with you to provide the best care for your budget.

Jolfai now has the hearing aids he needs, and his hearing is all the better for it.

A Warm Thank You to Our Patients

We received so many amazing nominations, and we wished we could pick every last one to win!

Our team at Hearing Aid Source are all so grateful for your participation in Hear for the Holidays.

If you or a loved one is struggling with hearing loss, we encourage you to get in touch with us – we’re happy to answer any questions or provide advice if you’re not sure where to start on your hearing health journey.

Please feel free to request a callback, and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as we can. If you’d rather not wait, you can always call us at 702 Coxwell Ave. (416) 463-4327 or at our Parkway Mall location on Ellesmere and Victoria Park (416) 754-4327.

Start Your Hearing Health Journey Here

Do you know somebody that needs to see this? Why not share it?

Edmond Ayvazyan HIS, EET

Edmond grew up in Toronto. As our hearing instrument specialist, Edmond describes his role as helping people have great conversations. However, he notes there are many other things he does during the day as well! He loves providing care and services that allow clients to live active lives. Edmond says his favourite thing about being part of the Hearing Aid Source team is not having to work under management that conflicts with his core values. During his time at the clinic, he has witnessed so many amazing success stories that it is difficult to pinpoint a particular one. Edmond describes himself as an introvert with extrovert tendencies. He likes solving problems and technical challenges. Outside of work, he loves spending time with his children. He has two daughters, and he enjoys watching them grow. Together, they are studying Karate, something Edmond is passionate about.

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