I believe the best hearing aids are the ones you forget are there, but sometimes even the simplest issue will make it seem like the hearing aids have turned into very expensive earplugs!

Can Hearing Aids Help You Live Longer?

by | Oct 21, 2024 | Hearing Aids

There have been some intriguing studies going around recently that link cognitive health to your hearing health – your ears do a lot more for you than just hear! 

Better hearing, whether you use hearing aids or not, will ensure that your balance is strong, your memory is clear and you’ll lower your risk of dementia. But did you know that a recent study discovered hearing aids could help you live longer? 

This study, taken on by Dr. Janet Choi from Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California, sought to find out how regular use of hearing aids affected almost 10,000 participants with hearing loss challenges. 

Choi’s findings were staggering: of the two focus groups, the patients who wore their hearing aids routinely had a 24% lower risk of premature mortality compared to the group that didn’t wear hearing aids at all. 

How Do Hearing Aids Increase My Life Expectancy? 

Choi’s study emphasizes that hearing aids are not the one-stop solution to a longer life, but rather, people with hearing loss challenges that wear their hearing aids regularly reap the multiple benefits associated with better hearing health.

Professional hearing care can help you take control of your hearing loss challenge, rejoin the conversations you’ve been missing out on and stay active and independent in your lifestyle, but Choi found that outside of her study, just 12% of her participants actually wore their hearing aids routinely.
  • Lower risk of premature mortality compared to the group that didn’t wear hearing aids at all. 24% 24%
  • Participants who actually wore their hearing aids routinely. 12% 12%
Hearing loss happens gradually, and quite often we don’t realize its effects on our hearing until someone we love points them out to us. Some people get hearing aids and never fully adapt to wearing them every day, so they don’t see those benefits from routine use. 

Wearing your hearing aids should be as crucial to day-to-day life as wearing your glasses or contact lenses – something you need every day to function at your best, whether you’re in the office, at home with family or out and about with your loved ones. 

Of course, nobody’s jumping at the chance to wear hearing aids; those clunky, awkward devices your parents or grandparents wore aren’t the prettiest picture to associate hearing aids with. Thankfully, modern hearing technology has come far beyond those negative associations. 

With Bluetooth compatibility, advanced sound processing and smartphone connectivity for streaming, today’s hearing aids are not only more powerful but significantly more discreet to wear, and some models are almost entirely invisible! 

Untreated hearing loss has long been associated with a risk of cognitive decline and dementia, social isolation, anxiety and frailty of the body. With professional hearing care and assistive technology, you could avoid some of these risks. 

Concerned About Your Hearing? 

With the help of a comprehensive hearing assessment, you can kickstart your hearing health journey on the right foot by getting a full understanding of your current range of hearing and what you need to do to help it succeed. 

Simply request a callback to chat with a member of our team about hearing care, your concerns or to get advice for your unique circumstances. 

Don’t want to wait? Feel free to find your closest clinic and contact us at 416-463-4327 to get started. 

Hearing Test

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Edmond Ayvazyan HIS, EET

Edmond grew up in Toronto. As our hearing instrument specialist, Edmond describes his role as helping people have great conversations. However, he notes there are many other things he does during the day as well! He loves providing care and services that allow clients to live active lives. Edmond says his favourite thing about being part of the Hearing Aid Source team is not having to work under management that conflicts with his core values. During his time at the clinic, he has witnessed so many amazing success stories that it is difficult to pinpoint a particular one. Edmond describes himself as an introvert with extrovert tendencies. He likes solving problems and technical challenges. Outside of work, he loves spending time with his children. He has two daughters, and he enjoys watching them grow. Together, they are studying Karate, something Edmond is passionate about.

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