Did you know that hearing loss is one of the most common conditions that adults experience as we age?

Mother’s Day with Marilyn

by | Mar 26, 2024 | Patient Resources

Creating memories together requires effort and action: from organizing a meal, decorating a room, to even booking travel to a new destination, the memories and bonds that are made because of the actions we take make us feel good as we learn and experience new things.

But when we don’t hear well, we tend to not participate in these activities.

Instead, people who are hard of hearing or are struggling with hearing loss choose not to do certain activities because it becomes rather difficult and uncomfortable for them. Feeling isolated in conversations and missing directions is frustrating, and it’s overall saddening to feel left out.

Just recently, I had my mother in for a hearing test. It was the first time that she really understood the work we do because she had never experienced it. She left our clinic feeling more confident than ever, thanks to a quick hearing test that helped her rejoin the conversations she was missing.

If you’re reading this and considering hearing healthcare for you or a loved one like your own mother, you’re in the right place.

Hearing Loss in Adults across Canada

Did you know that hearing loss is one of the most common conditions that adults experience as we age?

According to a report done by Statistics Canada in 2022, approximately 60% of adults have a degree of hearing loss. Of these people, about 30% of them experience tinnitus and hearing loss at the same time – a significant number when you think about the aging baby boomer population, which is the largest senior population that has ever been.

So, to put things into real numbers since the 2022 census, there are approximately 10 million people (about half the population of New York) who are 60 years old or older out of nearly 40 million – meaning 6 million of these people have some degree of hearing loss, whether mild, moderate or severe.

I have been serving this age demographic for nearly 20 years, and I can confidently say that there are too many people who haven’t had a comprehensive hearing assessment before, or even considered getting help for their hearing loss.

The good news? Hearing loss is easily treatable, and most people do well with the simplest of solutions.

This Mother’s Day, I’m offering an open invitation to you to book a complimentary hearing assessment. It is a quick and easy process, and at the end of it, you will have a new experience and knowledge about how you are hearing.

My advice? Don’t wait to have a hearing test. Delaying hearing care for too long can lead to other health complications later down the road. You don’t need a doctor’s referral, but you do need to make a phone call.

Who knows, it might just be your next best conversation.

Hearing Aid Source Is Here to Help

If you’re concerned about your hearing or that of a loved one, my team and I are ready to help you with all things hearing care. Often, we see people delay getting hearing care due to unanswered questions, concerns or feeling lost as the one person they know that may need hearing aids.

For answers and advice, feel free to request a callback – a member of our team will get in touch with more information.

Don’t want to wait?

Call us at our Coxwell Clinic 416-463-4327 or at Parkway Mall 416-754-4327.

Call To Book a Complimentary Hearing Assessment

Do you know somebody that needs to see this? Why not share it?

Edmond Ayvazyan HIS, EET

Edmond grew up in Toronto. As our hearing instrument specialist, Edmond describes his role as helping people have great conversations. However, he notes there are many other things he does during the day as well! He loves providing care and services that allow clients to live active lives. Edmond says his favourite thing about being part of the Hearing Aid Source team is not having to work under management that conflicts with his core values. During his time at the clinic, he has witnessed so many amazing success stories that it is difficult to pinpoint a particular one. Edmond describes himself as an introvert with extrovert tendencies. He likes solving problems and technical challenges. Outside of work, he loves spending time with his children. He has two daughters, and he enjoys watching them grow. Together, they are studying Karate, something Edmond is passionate about.

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